Saturday, July 10, 2010


Blogs are a new idea that more people are experimenting with. They have become a valuable tool in the classroom. Blogs have many functions in education. They give students the ability to evaluate each others work and to give feedback. In this way, it encourages peer support and interaction. Blogs also give students a means to evaluate on their learning. Blogs are an easy way for students to share information. They are also useful for teachers to monitor their students progress. Teachers can then easily identify which students need extra help and which students may need extension activities. Blogs have many uses in the classroom and they should be used to enhance the students learning. Blogs are a modern day teaching technique!


  1. I agree with you here shannon!!! I did not realise how effective blogs could be used in the classroom. This course is slowly widening my eyes to the use of technology in the classroom and it's positive effects on learning. I have been reading about blogs and their use in classrooms and have discovered some very significant points, which you have mostly outlined in your post!! Technology is only going to "take over" our lives more and more each day and we as professionals need to work with it instead of against for both our learners and ourselves.

  2. I like the prospect of blogs but still feel as though I would revert to the ease of having student journal in an excersise book as a lot of schools don't have many opportunities for the whole class to have access to computers. It would either have to be organised for the students IT lessons each week or hope for regular access to computer labs that will give students enough time to complete them effectively and also comment on other students' blogs. Though I am thinking in primary school context and I'm sure there would be greater flexibility in high school.

  3. Thats a good point Matt. Thanks for bringing that up, I hadn't thought about that! Yes I think you're right, I think it would be less of a barrier in high school, as they spend a lot more time in computer labs.
