Thursday, July 29, 2010

Images, resizing images and Podcasts

This week we looked at images, resizing images and podcasting. Resizing images is a valuable tool, as images can take up a LOT of space. We also looked at copyright issues with images, and I must admit, I had no idea the copyright was so strict! We learnt where to get images that aren't copyrighted, so I know I will be using those from now on! Here is a photo I do have permission to use, because its mine! It was taken at my 20th birthday party.

Images are a great tool to use in the classroom. Images are visual literacy, and this is an important part of learning in the classroom. Children learn to 'read' images early on in life. For example, most children in the western world know the McDonalds golden M arches without being able to read. Images tell a story, and when they are put with words, images are very powerful in enhancing the story that is being told. Images are also important for student who are visual learners, as they play to their learning style.

For example: On Monday I went to the farm. While I was there I saw a cute little baby goat.

While I was there, I also saw a calf. I got to pat the calf. Its hair was rougher than I thought it would be!
Podcasts are something I don't know a lot about. I have listened to many podcasts before but I didn't know how to make one of my own. I had always just found them in iTunes and simply downloaded them. We used mp3 players with microphones to record a sound file and then uploaded that file onto a website called PodOmatic. Click here to hear my very first podcast. Podcasts are a great way for students to record things and share their findings with other classmates. For example, students could use a recorder to record their findings on a science project and then upload those findings. This would save time and enhance the learning as students would not need to write everything down while they are trying to complete an experiment or project, thus allowing them to concentrate wholly on the experiment or project. Podcasts could also be used as a technological version of the jigsaw puzzle. Students could all investigate their own piece of the topic and then upload their findings in a podcast. By doing this, all students can then access each others podcasts, thus completing the jigsaw puzzle. Podcasts are a great tool in the classroom and should be used to engage students and enhance the learning. I will be using them in my classroom!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. Images are a vital part of literacy and learning alone, and in todays digital world why would you limit your learners to experimenting and creating images and stories the old fashioned way? There are so many tools that are available to allow learners to make their own digital book, their own movie with images, etc and these tools really excite, motivate and engage learners!
